The "invisible bookshelf" is completely obscured by the books you put on it, creating the illusion of floating piles of books mysteriously affixed to your walls — best of all is the charming franglais sales-copy that accompanies the shelf's listing at
Saving in space and a minimum of emcombrement on your wall for this
very astute rack which will enable you to arrange your books without
seeing the structure of the rack!
YOur books are floated…the effect is amasing!
(via Cribcandy)
Update: Luca sends word of the Sticklebook invisible shelf, and Manue sent in the Umbra CONCEAL shelf.
Update 2: Philbert sez, "this reminded me of something I had seen here in the Netherlands and had even considered buying. It is similar in that it is a hidden bookshelf, different in that it is actually a bookshelf that looks like a book with the revealing title 'Ceci n'est pas un livre' (for the illiterate, a variation to Magritte's painting of a pipe with the text ceci n'est pas une pipe, so in this case meaning, this is not a book).
I found it charming."