Boing Boing

From the Boing Boing archives, circa 1999

I came across this funny list of "Things to Do," written by "fifth Boing Boinger" Stefan Jones, which was published on the pre-blog version of

1. Get $25 worth of paper currency from one of those countries where $25 worth of currency fills up two wheel barrows. Divide it into five lots and send them, along with an incomprehensible letter, to the addresses listed in an email chain letter.

2. Build some gigantic rat traps, with wooden bases at least 2′ x 3′ and baited with an entire blocks of government cheese. Plant the traps, in sprung state, near a local chemical company. Wear giant rat foot shoes while doing this.

3. Get a supply of those little plastic ties used to seal hotel minibars after they are loaded with a full complement of overpriced goodies. Bring them and a supply of useful things (socks, condoms, aspirin) and strange things (McGruff the Crime Dog coloring books, bottles of Moxie, a can of Hormel Calf Brains in Milk Gravy) while travelling. Put the things in the minibar before sealing it up.


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