Boing Boing

Video: "Condom-on" gag commercial for potentially real gadget

This video commercial for a zany prophylactic-applicator gadget called Condom-on sure smells like spoof spirit:

Using technology developed by NASA for the Mars Lander, the Condom-On has been aerodynamically optimized in wind tunnels to prevent air drag and ensure that your condom arrives at its destination ASAP.

But Joshua Davis, who created it, says "I actually think this could be a viable product but I don't have any background in manufacturing so I decided to just shoot the commercial and put the site up."

Let's hope he's less serious about the "i-Cut home circumcision device" he's also hawking.

Bonus: we're not naming names, but viewers may recognize a certain golden-voiced jazz moonlighter and Wired Magazine senior editor in the ad.

Link to website, direct link to video.

Reader comment:

Jesse Hattabaugh says,

I actually would find one of these really useful, but only if it had a pez-dispenser-like magazine for wrapped condoms and could somehow open the wrappers and load the barrel with a quick action. The key to condoms is making them as unobtrusive as possible. I give him kudos!

Barry says,

There really _is_ a condom with built-in applicator, the "Hot Rod w/ Speedstrip Applicator" and sold, apparently, all over th web. The selling point is high-speed of application:the manufacurers claim this takes "1 second flat", and back this up with a cute, chaste, and very short demo video. No semi-automatic PEZ dispenser-like action (what kind of wild, multi-partner scene is Jesse Hattabaugh envisioning?); each condom comes with its own disposable "Speedstrip".

Hot Rod Product Site: Link

The (quite short) demo video: Link

On sale in a somewhat-famous web store: Link

Of course, speed is nice, but the only significant condom technology advance in the last 10 years remains the male-friendly "loose pouch that allows penis rubbing" designs seen in Inspiral, Pleasure Plus, and Trojan's Twisted Pleasure. This small design change may actually lead to greter condom use, and have real public health results!

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