Yesterday's news from the G8 summit was all shit. Today, blogger Taylor Marsh posts photos of another "candid moment" in which President Bush gives an unsolicited, surprise neck-massage to German prime minister Angela Merkel. The Los Angeles Times reported:
"Entering the meeting room, as relayed by a Russian television camera, Bush headed directly behind the chancellor, reached out and, placing both hands on the collar of her gold jacket, gave her a short massage just below the neck. She smiled."
IANAFRE (I am not a facial recognition expert), but that doesn't look like much of a smile to me, or a happy hand-gesture following. What odd manners the leader of the Western world has. Link (Thanks, Stefan Jones)
Reader comment: Alex Steffen says,
There's video on this page that makes it clear how inappropriate it was… the Germans are calling it a "Liebes-Attacke"