Boing Boing

Goatses in the media

After one brief look at Goatse, your brain is scarred forever. You can't help but see Goatse again and again — in ads, photos, logos, and so on. Here are a few that have been submitted to Boing Boing this week:

Superman advertisement.

Tour de Goatse (three handed!)

Flickr downtime Goatse contest entry

AOL member retention goatse graphic (I think the hands were added on after the fact)

Intentional Goatse T shirt

Reader comments:

Keith says:

I couldn't help but notice the flickr downtime goatse.
Note that I did one as well, but I was more creative with mine. It's a double-goatse. The one you have posted didn't exactly follow the rules. The image had 2 circles.

Kyle says:

God bless Boing Boing for doing more than anybody for populating the
Goatse meme into the mainstream conciousness — though the mainstream
conciousness will never be able to acknowlege the goatsiliciousness of
this fact.

I wanted to pass on a link to some goatse bumper stickers Bumperactive
developed a while back. We did something pretty innovative, I think,
which is create special "cut-out" stickers with a hollow oval in the
, which is being "gripped" by the receiver. The idea is, you can
use the stickers to guerilla goatse anything.

Also, there's Condi/Goatse '08. Which is on my car at the moment, in

Magnus says:

This one is a little far-fetched, but as you wrote, "you can't help but see Goatse again and again"…

Lawrence says:

Here's a pic of "Mr. Sprinkles," the Goatse'd clown of sugar showers. Every time I see him in the kitchen I think of you and … I finally had to open my vault of Goatse goodness.

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