Boing Boing

Online bug identification service

Kelli says: "People send in pictures of creepy, beautiful — and sometimes dead — bugs, and these two identify them. It's also a great database of bug pictures. I'd been looking for a site like this for a long time, because I'm forever finding weird bugs." (Shown here: a potato bug. "Potato Bugs are not aggressive, but they will bite if handled.") Link

Reader comments:

Jennifer Forman Orth, Ph.D., Invasive Plant Ecologist, UMass Boston Department of Biology says:

"What's that Bug?" is good, but I'm a die-hard fan myself. In fact, I used it to confirm that your photo is of a Jerusalem cricket, NOT a potato beetle!

BugGuide also has a very active community and does IDs.

Jim says:

The Jerusalem Cricket is indeed also known as a "Potato Bug" (there are also other bugs known as Potato Bugs, but it isn't incorrect as she implied). Jerusalem Crickets are also known by another name that's even cooler – "Children Of The Earth."

Jennifer responds:

Sorry about the common name mixup (note "beetle" vs. "bug"). But most
importantly, I did not mean to disparage "What's That Bug?"!!!! I just
wrongly assumed you had made a typo..uh, not that I am disparaging you
either. Anyway, I like "What's That Bug?" but BugGuide is an amazing
repository in a class by itself.

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