Boing Boing

Congress may vote today on Deleting Online Predators Act

BoingBoing reader Andy Carvin says

The American Library Association's Washington office is reporting that the House of Representatives will likely vote on the so-called DOPA Act [today, Wednesday July 26]. DOPA, the Deleting Online Predators Act, would force schools and libraries receiving federal Internet subsidies to block all interactive websites, including blogs, bulletin boards, email lists and online social network. It's an absurd reaction to the anti-MySpace hype that's been dominating the media in recent months, and threatens to make the Internet completely useless as an educational tool. Schools already have the ability to block inappropriate websites, and they should be the ones determining which sites are educationally relevant.

Link. I'm a little late posting this news, so the suggestion to contact your congressperson may be moot — but yesterday, pro-online-liberty groups were urging voters to do so. The House switchboard is 202-224-3121.

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