Boing Boing

Chanel, Dior, Gucci… Blackwater?

There are many brands you might expect to see in chic Paris boutiques, but Blackwater is probably not one of them.

BoingBoing reader and roaming couture trendspotter Hal Bringman was in Paris this week, and noticed a line of Blackwater-branded clothing and accessories promoted at one store.

For the sniper in your life who has everything — ok, everything *but* a spiffy men's polo emblazoned with the logo of the world's most renowned mercenary machine.

Link to another photo, and another, and another, and another. The sign on the door promises "Security of the future."

"The store's name is Multiforma – Scanner, Security & Auto (self) Defense located in the Gallerie des Arcades/Boutiques, Paris," says Hal. "How can the company that is our government's hired rent-an-assassin — er, I mean security force for emergencies/disasters be in a position to now be exploiting this as a brand worldwide?"

Reader comment: Rob Walker says,

Those who don't want to to paris can get a blackwater tactical polo for $30 right off their web site. In the Pro Shop… Also slings, holsters, shot glasses, etc. Even an xmas ornament.

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