Boing Boing

German racists use Slav net-porn model in ad. Duhh.

Über-nationalist, right-wing extremists in Germany wanted to attract horny youth to their xenophobic cause with a new teen-oriented magazine. To promote it, they created an ad with an Aryan babe and copy which read "GERMAN IS HOT!" — but oops, she's Czech, and the photo was apparently nicked from a net-porn site. Snip from Der Spiegel:

After first angering advertisers who felt they had been duped into supporting a xenophobic student magazine named Objektiv, the right-wing bigots are now accused of stealing pictures used in the 24-page publication.

Ironically, the photo in question is of an attractive blond in a tank top and short skirt next to the slogan: "German is Hot!" But in an embarrassing faux pas for the German nationalists, it now it turns out that the Teutonic hottie is actually a Czech lingerie model. So much for offering a "free-patriotic point of view," as was supposedly the remit of the less-than-objective Objektiv.

According to Internet Web site operator DutchTeenCash, the right-wing extremists behind Objektiv failed to pay for the photo of the girl — a 20-year-old student from the Czech Republic known online as "Jaimy" — raising the possibility of legal action. "We've handed this over to our lawyers and will likely go to court," a spokesman for the company said, explaining that they had been unable to reach Objektiv's backers, the "Bürgerbewegung Pro Köln" (Citizen Initiative for Cologne), to discuss copyright infringement.

Link (Thanks, Ian Geldard)

Reader comment:

Ralph says,

The racists don't learn: After their copyright infringement with the Czech girl (hot, but not German ;-)), they did it again.
They grabbed an image from a book for teaching children German and put their slogan on it again. Unfortunately, the image was 'borrowed' from "Das Franken-Antiquariat" (bookstore for really old stuff) without their knowledge… Link

Evidently, the racists in question aren't the only ones ripping stuff off here. Felix says,

the story you linked is more or less a ripoff of an article from the spreeblick-blog: Link.

malte from spreeblick did all the research and got out with the story, ripped the story off without any credit a few days later. they put a credit to into the german article after johnny from spreeblick called now, obviously, they omitted spreeblicks/maltes credit in the english version again. Link to background on the ripoff.

Update: Johnny from spreeblick says,

what felix said is correct.

we discovered the illegal use of the pic of the softporn model: Link

when spiegel wrote about it, they didn't mention us but corrected their article and gave credit to spreeblick after we kindly asked them to: Link

the new pic in "Objektiv" of a book: Link

is stolen from another website, too (the scan is the same, look closely at the artefacts): Link

we wrote about that, too: Link.

and donated, with the pic in the Spreeblick article last mentioned, some balls to the "pro cologne"-organization. :)

Michael Spencer says,

I'm no historian, but if I remember my WWII
history correctly, Hitler and the Nazis considered Czechoslovakia (at
least part of it, the Sudetenland), as part of Germany, at least that
was their excuse for invading (along with "protecting" a German
minority there). This led to the appeasement by Chamberlain which our
insane defense secretary referred to the other day.

I'm not saying this view is correct, and certainly the Nazis'
rationale for invasion were craven, but I wonder whether the nutbags
who put this mag together would even care that the model was Czech.
They might even still consider her "Aryan", based, as such judgements
are, wholly on superficialities. Maybe there's even an agenda–a
coded message–in using a pic of a Czech model and calling her German?


Previously on BB: Nazi secret messages in fashion illustrations

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