Kevin Steele says,
Theodore Gray has been making the ultimate periodic table, a one-of-a-kind wooden table with real samples that sits in his office.
For the rest of us who don't visit his office he has he has created an incredible (and very tastefully designed) photographic poster "after four years of collecting and photographing samples of all the chemical elements, months of struggling to select the very best example of each one."
Link to poster (detail shown below), and link to the profoundly beautiful wooden table he's building (detail shown above). The posters range from $15-45 for single units, depending on size, and there are bulk discounts aimed at teachers. What a wonderful tool to get kids psyched about learning science — and a much more effective way for young people or adults to memorize the table than symbols alone!
Update: Here are more lovely, 3D, large-scale renderings of the periodic table: Link.
(Thanks, Dan Shapiro)