Boing Boing

Goatse fights for your WiFi privacy: GOATSEPEG


Every-time you access an open wifi network at a conference or hotel there is probably some script kiddie running a program called EtherPEG that captures all the images going across the network and reassembles them into a sort of artful collage. This website is a very low-tech hack to keep a bit of privacy where it belongs…

The instant you came to this website a copy of the infamous Goatse image was loaded into a 1 pixel by 1 pixel image tag that will be sent across the network to anyone who cares to sniff the packets. It automatically reloads every 60 seconds for as long as you care to stick around. You don't have to see it but it's there. Oh yes indeed it's there. So if you by chance hear a groan come from someone somewhere in the audience of the convention you're sitting at at this very moment just know GoatsePEG is at work for YOU!

Genius. (thanks, Jason D!)

Reader comment: Tom says,

Has anyone spotted the excellent ASCII art alternate content for non-supporting browsers hiding away in the HTML source for ?

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