Boing Boing

Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge 2006

Science magazine and the National Science Foundation announced the winners of the 2006 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge. Seen here is the second place winner in the Illustration category, "A Da Vinci Blackboard Lesson In Multi-Conceptual Anatomy" by Caryn Babaian of Bucks County Community College.

From the article about the winners:

Some things never grow old. Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, first drawn more than 500 years ago, is still teaching people about the intricacies of the human body. Biology teacher Caryn Babaian of Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pennsylvania, uses the iconic sketch as a "multi-conceptual image" in her introductory anatomy class to illustrate three crucial anatomical concepts: rotation, transparency, and transverse section. Babaian requires her students to draw the image in their notebooks as they watch it take shape on the blackboard. Panel of judges member Thomas Lucas says even though the use of the image "gave inspiration to a few people, the effect on them might have been more powerful than something that went over the mass media."

Link to Science article, Link to slide show (Thanks, Mike Love!)

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