Boing Boing

Foley and Scientology: disgraced congressman linked to CoS?

Here's a snip from a post on

There's this, from

"An attorney for Foley, a Florida Republican, confirmed Monday that the former congressman is in an alcoholism treatment center. The fax was apparently sent from Clearwater, Florida, but Roth would not say if that's where Foley is being treated."

So, apparently Foley has gone to a detox center in Clearwater, Fl. What's in Clearwater? Scientologists! So, I followed my intuition and did a little Googling, thinking perhaps Foley is drying out with the Sea Org there.
This is what I uncovered:

On May 24, 2003, the "Clearwater Business Association" hosted a brunch in the Fort Harrison's Ballroom, for Florida Congressman Mark Foley (R).

Also present at this event was "Republican State committee woman" Nancy Riley. Foley is featured on a Scientology web page promoting their anti-psychiatry front group C.C.H.R. ("Citizen's Comission on Human Rights"). The "Clearwater Business Association" (C.B.A.) appears to be primarily a way to bring politicians into the Scientology fold, by way of Scientologist Brett Miller (second from left in photo below). The primary affiliations of the C.BA.appear to be Scientology, W.I.S.E., and C.C.H.R., and not local businesses." (scroll down)

WTF. Hold me, I'm scared.

Link. Image: "…Mary Story from the Church of Scientology and Brett Miller from the Clearwater Businessman's Association present leatherbound copies of Dianetics and The Way to Happiness to Republican State Committee woman Nancy Riley and Congressman Mark Foley…" (Thanks James Home and Shelly Rae Scott)

Reader comment: Al Hunt says,

So that's why he was doing this via email. I understand that Scientologists have to do all their molesting silently.

Update: many BB readers who are also fans of South Park have pointed out the eerie similarities between this cluster of news and The Super Adventure Club.

Ajit says,

Following Florida Congressman Foley's resignation after ABC uncovered his sexual advances towards teenage Pages, there is been a lot of talk about the cover up, specifically by the House speaker who knew about this problem a while back.

Conspiracy of Silence is a documentary from 1994, supposedly banned from the Discovery channel, that documents the pedophile ring within Washington. The quality of the video is quite bad and it clocks in at 55 mins but it is interesting to see how insular Congress is and how little things have changed. Link to video, link to blog post.

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