Boing Boing

Homebrew mechanical steampunk lion from Belgium

This mechanical, rideable steampunk lion was a hobby project for a metalworker in Belgium:

It was built by a local metalworker who has a studio on the same street I was staying at (I don't recall his name now, but I have his business card at home, with a website, which I'll post later tonight). On our last day in Brugge, I went out for a little walk around the block, and ended up on the open-air dining area of this small restaurant two buildings down from our B&B. I saw the mechanical lion standing there, but at first I thought it was a bitchin sculpture (Brugge is the kind of town where you can see open air art displays). Then the guy stood up and turned it on and I could not hold my geekness inside.

I spoke with him a little (him in much better English than me in my horrible Dutch) and he told me this was the first time he had taken it outside the studio and was having a celebratory beer. He then stood up and proceeded to ride the mechanical lion!

Link, YouTube link

(Thanks, Matthew!)

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