Boing Boing

Residents enjoy living a circle-shaped community

Picture 4-11
The Stu says: "I found this community over in the middle east which appears to be based on a large circle. The entire town has taken the shape of a circle, and even the farmland extends like spokes out to each side!" Link

Reader comment:

Tal says:

The village's name is Nahalal, it's in Israel. I went to middle school there but lived in a rather nondescriptly-shaped development about ten minutes away. I don't know if the people there really "enjoy" living in a circle or whether they spend any time really thinking about it, but I've definitely always thought it was strange.

Reader comment:

Amos says:

See a brief history and some more photos of Nahalal here.

A copy of the interesting Jerusalem's Post obit on architect Richard Kauffmann who
designed Nahalal, among others such as the current official dwelling of the israeli prime minister.

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