Boing Boing

Omakase links: dem belly full.

* Viagra Spam Recipes: Link.

* Oh, others may see Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich, the Virgin de Guadalupe in a tortilla, or a vagina on a carrot. Frankly, who hasn't. But BoingBoing readers are a different bunch: you see aliens in naan. Link. Peter and Gaynor Flint tell us, "We bought some garlic & coriander naan bread from our local Tesco store and found two aliens in the packaging! The linked photos were shot just moments before the bread was consumed with a very nice curry."

* These lamps are made of salt: Link.

* The Ambien Cookbook: "Take Ambien, fall asleep. Sleep 3-4 hours. Roll out of bed, wake up on floor. See extension cord, think, What a big delicious licorice rope that is!. Chew on essentially flavorless cord until you get to the metallic center, where the surprise is."Link

* Rainbow carrots: purple, red, yellow, and white. Link.

* Rainbow roses. Not edible, but equally apropos for Pride day picnicking, or an afternoon tea party with Deadheads. Link

* Just because it's low-carb doesn't mean you wanna EAT it: Hot Dog Loaf. Link.

* Voice-activated microwave oven. "Cook me some food, bitch!" Link.

* "I'm going to eat everything there is to eat at McDonald's, and blog about it." Link.

* A happy meal that fits in the palm of your hand. Link.

* Lego ice cube tray: Link.

*, an online shop specializing in midcentury illos, has many wonderful vintage food ads. Here's a flickr set of some of their best, gathered and posted there by a fan. Buy gorgeous, high-quality repros here (as cheap as $9 for a 13″x19″, all the way up to $250 for a 44″x45″ humongoprint on archival paper.)

* Strange medicinal or edible plant-thing found in Chinatown: what is it? Link.

* The annual "What the Fluff? Festival" celebrates a sugary foodstuff called Marshmallow Fluff: Link.

* Pumpkin pie coffee beans: Link.

* A resume constructed from fortune cookies: the better to nail a Fortune 500 job with? Link.

* From BoingBoing's growing collection of Wonderful Wedding Cakes:

Guillaume says, "The cake at my wedding featured 400 Emperor Penguins standing in line around a bunch of icebergs. My uncle took 72 hours to create all the penguins out of cake, almond paste and chocolate, carving them by hand one after the other. Yup, I've been to Antarctica 5 times. And they were excellent too. Some people have kept theirs to this day instead of eating them." JPEG Link.

(Thanks, R. Stevens of dieselsweeties fame, kosmonaut, Marc, Wayne Correia, Andy Yang, Glenn, Mike, Michael, Jim Mookstein, Charlie B., and Austin Sipes.)

Previous Omakase Links on BoingBoing:

I wanna tear you apart

Sexy taco, space gun, deli flesh.

Arabic smokes, Norway bimbo, Danish BB ringtone

Post-holiday bluesnixer roundup

Reader comment: Andy Fischer says,

You might be interested to know that the salt lamps you show in this post also appear as pension gifts to retiring German salt mine workers in Shultze Gets The Blues, which is fantastic even apart from the salt lamp.

BB reader Steve Glista figured out what the weird Chinatown plant-thing was: a "horn nut."Link.

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