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Democracy Internet video player update

Democracy Player, the amazing, free, open Internet video player, has just released an important update, bringing tons of new features to the platform. Democracy lets you subscribe to channels of video that are downloaded quickly using Bittorrent. Getting video in channels means you don't have to remember to keep checking for new files, and Bittorrent means the files come down quickly and without costing the creator a fortune in bandwidth. There's a complementary tool, "Broadcast Machine," that makes it easy to publish your own video channel for Democracy and other players.

Democracy runs on Linux, Windows and the Mac, and is overseen by the nonprofit Participatory Culture Foundation. PCF director Nicholas Reville sez,

This version (0.9.1) has lots and lots of new features. The 3 biggest:

1. The interface is faster and more responsive.

2. You can make 'Search Channels' that automatically search a channel (rss feed) or a website like YouTube and download videos that match the search.

3. The Mac and Windows versions can now both search, save, and play flash video (such as YouTube or Google Video).

Link, Link to new feature list

(Disclosure: I am a proud member of the Board of Directors for the nonprofit Participatory Culture Foundation)

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