Boing Boing

Fake Boarding Pass Generator mirror site

John Adams says, "This is a reimplementation of [Christopher Soghoian's] Northwest Airlines Boarding Pass Generator in javascript. It can now be run in a browser without a web server. (Only tested in firefox)." Link.

* NPR "Xeni Tech": update on FBI raids fake boarding pass website

* Ceci n'est pas un fake boarding pass (10-29-06)

* Congressman on Boarding Pass Generator guy: Uh… oops? (10-29-06)

* Fake Boarding Pass Generator guy and FBI: what about the law? (10-28-06)

* FBI returns to "Fake Boarding Pass" guy's home, seizes computers (10-28-06)
* Fake boarding pass guy reports he was visited by FBI (10-27-06)

* Congressman wants fake boarding pass guy arrested (10-27-06)

* Website generates fake boarding passes (10-26-06)
* Slate's Andy Bowers on airline security loopholes (02-07-05)

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