Boing Boing

Jihadist Italian Bathroom Tile ad on Craigslist?

Click image to enlarge. Ben Popken of Consumerist found a really weird Craigslist ad:

Ostensibly an ad for Italian & Spanish Bathroom Tiles, it contains a picture of a radical Islamic protest. The protesters carry signs that say

"Slay those who insult islam"
"Butcher those who mock islam"
"Behead those who insult islam"

My first thought was that this was part of that underground network of people who trade jihad media. The number works, too. The voice sounded young, clear, business, relaxed, saturday afternoon voice, no discernible ethicity. What do you think? Samizdat or someone's strange idea of sig file?

Link. Or, heck, maybe that's just the image printed on said Italian and Spanish bathroom tile. Work with me here. This ad offers "Itlaian" tile from "Waker Zanger," but a closer look shows that "Walker Zanger" (that's with an "l") is the name of a real company which produces "Italian" tile. A quick search on the phone number in this craigslist listing shows the bad-speller seller has listed similar products for sale before, none of which call for the death of pork-eating infidels.

Reader comment: Frogbeater says,

Why can't we all just get along? explores the possibility that all of this hatred comes from the repression involved in denying oneself the joy of bacon.

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