Boing Boing

Book pick: "Full Revelations of a Professional Rat Catcher" (1898)

Manybooks is offering a free book from 1898 called Full Revelations of a Professional Rat-catcher After 25 Years' Experience, by Ike Matthews. This short tome is sure to make wonderful fireplace reading for the whole family.

The damage Rats can do to property, commodities, etc., is almost incredible. I have had so many examples of
this that I scarcely know which to submit as illustration. I think the worst case I have seen was where they
gnawed a hole half way through a 2−1/4 inch lead pipe, and often I have known them to bite through a
one−inch lead pipe. The worst damage is done when they get under the flag floors of cottage houses out of the
drains. They scratch the soil from beneath the flags, which then sink, and the consequent stench from the
drains is abominable, jeopardising the health of the tenants. I have seen a great many of these cases in the
poorer parts of Manchester. The damage the Rats will do in the silk and similar trades, to the goods of
merchants, or in the grocery business, is enormous, and not so much by reason of what they actually eat as by
what they carry away, which is often ten times as much as they eat. I have often proved this when ferreting at
a wholesale grocery warehouse. When we have taken up the boards between the laths and plaster we have
found the ceiling almost full of lump sugar, nuts, candles, etc., which have been there for years, hoarded by
the Rats. Now, this all means heavy loss, and that is why I say that any business man so suffering ought to
engage the services of a professional Rat−catcher once a year in order to keep the Rats down, and catch as
many as possible before they begin breeding.


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