Boing Boing

Open classical music repository

David sez, "This is a new online repository of public domain classical music. What's really cool is that Aaron tells me it's okay to sample/remix the music into new compositions as long as you provide attribution."

This site takes music that is in the public domain, meaning a work that belongs to the community, and has it recorded by individuals and college/community orchestras throughout the United States and stored online so it can be accessed for free through this website. This would do the following:

1. Provide free unlimited access to music in the public domain to anyone with internet access.

2. Allow obscure works, for example some Baroque music, to be recorded for the first time that would otherwise not be recorded because of its small profit potential.

3. Community – being a community driven project, this can create an online music community, perhaps leading to future cooperative projects.

4. Add usefulness to all the untapped talent in our nation\u2019s orchestras. Think of about how many college orchestras perform to diminishing numbers of audiences. Now, every performance adds to the online repertoire, adding another reason to perform and perform well.

5. Create the first organization devoted to giving the public access to musical works which belong to them.


(Thanks, David!)

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