Boing Boing

Street Tech holiday gift guide

bOING bOING senior editor Gareth Branwyn and the crew at Street Tech just issued part one of their annual holiday gift guide. THe contents range from Herbie the Mousebot to Operation Damocles AT-43 to my grooming weapon-of-choice, the HeadBlade. From Gareth's introduction to the holiday gift guide:

While we make a lot of noise here at Street Tech about consumer responsibility, environmental awareness, living lower on the hog (or forgoing the hog altogether), truth be told, we love buying shit just as much as the next conspicuous consumer. And we won't even try to deny our unwavering interest in new gadgets and cool tools. That said, we're also obsessed with high quality, intelligent design (of the non-theocratic kind), and products that perform as they're advertised. On top of all this, we love the act of gift-giving, showing our love and appreciation for people, in ritual gestures of exchanged beads and baubles. Combine all this: Great goods that are well- and responsibly made, that you get to buy and then give away to make fellow, beloved meatbots happy? Well that just sounds like a whole lot o' good times to us.


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