Boing Boing Guatemala dispatches, with coffee porn!

Guatemala: Fernando's Kaffee

I've been traveling throughout Guatemala since early November, maintaining a reporter's notebook here. On the days I spent in Antigua, each morning, the second-story room where I stayed filled with the intoxicating smell of freshly roasted coffee. I followed the scent-trail downstairs and discovered a neat little cafe where a guy named Fernando roasts, bags, and brews fresh local beans every morning. Video and photos (sorry, no smell-o-vision) are here: Link.

Here's a roundup of additional posts on from the past day:

* Guatemala: museum exhibit of teeny-tiny Xmas creches

* Indigenous films made by indigenous people

* Robert Gates and CIA history in Guatemala

* Rigoberta Menchú forms indigenous political party

Previous roundups: December 4, November 30, November 21, November 16

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