Boing Boing

Wimpy record industry moguls drop lawsuit against mom

Lily-livered lawyers for the RIAA are wussing out on the war against Patti Santangelo, mother of five in New York, who says she never downloaded a single pirated tune. Way to crap out on justice, recording industry. Instead of dropping the lawsuit, you pansies should have dropped that mom into a tank of live piranhas to pay for her crime of not having ever downloaded illicit MP3s. Link, here's another. (Thanks, stephanie)

Update: Great news! The RIAA won't cut and run in the War On Santangelo after all — now they're going after her children:

[T]hey began investigating her
children, ultimately filing suit against the kids after getting
the daughter and a neighbor to admit to using Kazaa under oath.

Today the RIAA dropped the lawsuit against Santangelo herself,
though Santangelo's first lawyer Ray Beckerman confirms for us
the suit against her children now moves forward — after her
first battle drained the family coffers.

Holiday cheer-drenched Link (Thanks, Rich Kulawiec)

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