Boing Boing

Liveblogging Christmas: Turduckencam 2006

BoingBoing reader Scott says,

For the second year in a row, my friend Erica and her mother and her father have conducted Turduckencam for the holidays. In case anyone doesn't know by now, a turducken is a chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey. All three layers of meat are separated by layers of different filling. Mmmmm! No clue if they then plan to stuff it into a goose, then an emu, and then an ostrich…

Link to the family Turduckencam. It's live right now! This is even more exciting than Live Nude Naomi Campbell 3D bodyscanning.

As for the food, I've always been wary of anything on a plate that begins with the letters T-U-R-D, but hey, whatever floats your holiday boat. Also, a question: is the vegan version of this called a tofucken? Just asking.

Reader comment: louisiana refugee sez,

Please school these people a bit more about turducken. its a Louisiana thing, ya herd? Links: 1, 2, 3, 4

Regarding tofucken, Jonathan says,

TofuRkeys are great, but this recipe has been going around in vegan circles for years:
Link. People who've had both tend to say the home version is far greater.

turlygod says,

Here is a link to a ten bird roast recipe that Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall (yes, he's posh) did on River Cottage.

"You need a whole free range turkey… and a whole goose (6-7kg). And then a selection of 8-10 smaller birds…"

The Beeb are doing well with back-catloguing what people want to see again. So watch the short vid (QT or WM).

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