Boing Boing

Pocket Ref for Make subscribers

MAKE magazine (I'm editor-in-chief) has a good deal for people who subscribe for two years: a free copy of the Pocket Ref.

This great little book is a concise all-purpose reference featuring hundreds of tables, maps, formulas, constants & conversions and it still fits in your shirt pocket! Packed with mathematical formula, tables, standard conversion ratio, electric wire size vs. load, resistor color codes, Morse code, sun & planet data, earthquake scales, nail sizes, geometry formulas, currency exchange rates, and much more! It's no wonder The Pocket Ref was featured in MythBusters.

And now, with each two-year subscription to MAKE magazine, you'll receive your own MAKE Special Edition Pocket Ref as our gift to you. And if you already subscribe, we'll extend the same offer on any two-year renewal.


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