Boing Boing

The Secret Life of Machines on Google Video

Paul Whippey says:

I would like to draw to your attention this fantastic British documentary series – "The Secret Life of Machines" which is available to view on Google video. It was filmed between 1988 and 1993, but the content is surprisingly valid even after almost 20 years. It could be considered as a precursor to many of the Mythbusters antics.

It was filmed in a wonderful quirky style, obviously very low budget and used comical animations to illustrate each episodes' theme.

I recommend at least viewing "The Secret Life of the Electric Light."

Especially the extremely dangerous and entertaining antics with a welding power supply and a pencil!

I used to love these when I was a geeky teenager. They brought back some wonderful memories and I would like to share them with all the Boingboing readers.


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