Boing Boing

Tapscott's Wikinomics – like Weath of Networks for business audience

Wikinomics is Don Tapscott's latest book — a business-book version of the story of collaborative, Internet-based creativity. Tapscott and his co-author, Anthony D Williams, delve into the world of collective action online and talk about which business-approaches to this action work, and which ones fail. If you're tired of being bombarded by rip-off, clueless clones of Flickr and Delicious (or if you want to avoid making one), then this is the book.

Naturally, the Wikinomics site includes a wiki — a place where readers of the book can write the missing "eleventh chapter" of the book, based on their real-world experiences with wikinomic activity.

Tapscott interviewed me and my fellow Boinger David Pescovitz, along with a lot of the people whose opinions I listen to carefully in this world. I've started looking through the book and I've found it an easy read, with good insight. It's like Benkler's Wealth of Networks, but written for a non-academic audience.


(Thanks, Don!)

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