Artist Dulce Pinzón took photographs of Mexican immigrant workers in New York City dressed as superheroes. The series, titled "The Real Story of the Superheroes," is an homage to these individuals who work long hours in lousy conditions for crap money, much of which they send home to their families in Mexico. Seen here as The Hulk is Paulino Cardozo from the State of Guerrero. Cardoza loads trucks in New York and sends $300 a week home.
From Pinzón's artist statement:
The Mexican economy has quietly become dependent on the money sent from workers in the US. Conversely, the US economy has quietly become dependent on the labor of Mexican immigrants. Along with the depth of their sacrifice, it is the quietness of this dependence which makes Mexican immigrant workers a subject of interest.
The principal objective of this series is to pay homage to these brave and determined men and women that somehow manage, without the help of any supernatural power, to withstand extreme conditions of labor in order to help their families and communities survive and prosper.
Link (via We Make Money Not Art)