Boing Boing

HOWTO make your own laptop PC

I dig the styling of Torquil Harkness's homebrew laptop PC. He played around with the component arrangements in a cardboard box before welding together the aluminum chassis. From Harkness's build notes:

This, my first original computer design came out of frustration and I hope one day we will see a case that allows people to bolt together their own laptop in a weekend – and not have to spend days in the shed annoying the neighbours with my angle grinder and learning how to mig weld aluminium like I did!

There are 'bare bones' kits from some manufacturers, but you are still expected to pay through the nose. To have one designed around standard Mini-ITX components would be great for the kind of people who do not want a laptop that we can fit in an envelope, rather a unit that we can use all around the house for a decent price.

I decided to create a laptop that at any point, I could upgrade every component as they grew too old.

Link (via MAKE: Blog)

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