Boing Boing

Plan for a an 11' x 7' flat

After reading about a 11′ x 7′ flat in London that sold for $335,000, Flickr user Simple Simon used SketchUp to draw up plans for a renovation of the place that would render it habitable. His ideas are pretty clever, though it's hard to imagine how this former closet could ever be worth $335K.

A flat roughly the size of a snooker table has gone on sale for £170,000 in London's upmarket Chelsea.

The former janitor's storeroom measures 11ft by 7ft and has a cupboard place for a shower and kitchenette area.

Potential buyers can expect to fork out an extra £30,000 to make the room habitable as there is no lighting and it is full of rubble.

Even the estate agent selling the property admitted the flat was "incredibly depressing".


(via Neatorama)

Update: Manooh sez, "I have read your post about a tiny flat in London, and so you might like 'micro compact homes' (m-ch), tiny flats in beautiful design. do check out the project photos on their website!"

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