Boing Boing

Mooninite on the Haunted Mansion

Dan sez, "Ray Keim, creator of the beautiful Haunted Mansion paper models, just put a flashing LED Mooninite on the Haunted Mansion on his splash page. 'They pretend to terrorize,' indeed!"


(Thanks, Dan!)

See also:
Stickers: This is engineering, not bomb-making
State of Massachusetts insists on calling ATHF ads "hoax devices"

Stickers: This is engineering, not bomb-making

Boston LED terror scare: a message to the media

Mark on ABC news about Mooninite devices

Fake pipe bombs found in Boston

Video of Mooninite menaces

Boston Mooninite installer arrested

Boston Channel photoshops Mooninite LED signs

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is the Bomb T-Shirts

LED ad campaign ignites terrorism scare in Boston

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