Boing Boing

New Orleans shrinkage evidenced in phone book girth

Link to snapshot by blogger and displaced New Orleans resident Jonno d'Addario. He explains in the comments on that Flickr page:

[There were] 1086 pages of residential listings (= above the blue line) in the 2004 directory vs. 765 pages in the new one. Page thickness seems the same as far as I can tell. What's also interesting is that the 2007 directory has a Lasik surgery banner ad (?!) on the top of every page, reducing the number of listings per page to 250 or so; there's an everage of about 300 listings per page in the 2004 directory.

Update: The image seems to have been deleted from Jonno's stream, and he has no idea why (no notice from Flickr people — feel free to chime in if you're reading). Here's a screengrab: Link.

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