Boing Boing

1955 Nash commercial features modernistic Mickey and Pluto

Picture 2-33
Excellent highly-stylized Mickey and Pluto (Tom Oreb designed?) in this 1955 commercial for the Nash Ambassador.

Link (Thanks, Conor!)

Reader comments:

Josh says:

I noticed in the recent Mickey re-imaginings lately no love for Minnie. Here's a pic I took recently of some of the more unusual official Disney offerings to be had here in Japan: a Punk Minnie figure and a Gothloli Minnie. They've also released a figure that looks suspiciously like a Paris Hilton version… they love her here. Sad but true.


Amid says:

Tom Oreb was the designer of this spot, and Victor Haboush did background layout and design. On Cartoon Brew last week I posted a hi-res copy of Oreb's original Mickey model sheet that was used to guide the animators on this commercial.

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