Salt Lake City mayor calls for Bush impeachment

Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson, Mayor of Salt Lake City, called for the impeachment of President Bush before the Washington State Senate Governmental Operations Committee yesterday.

I am honored to address you today and am pleased that you, unlike so many members of Congress and most state legislatures, have recognized your solemn responsibility to examine whether proceedings should be commenced for the impeachment of the President of the United States.

Never before has there been such a compelling case for impeachment and removal from office of the president of the United States for heinous human rights violations, breaches of trust, abuses of power injurious to the nation, war crimes, misleading Congress and the American people about threats to our nation's security and the supposed case for war, and grave violations of treaties, the Constitution, and domestic statutory law.

GOP state Sen. Mike Hewitt was displeased, calling the hearing "misguided, partisan and political. It's important to remember which Washington we're in. These are issues that should be handled at a federal level." I'm sure Hewitt say the same thing if it were Clinton (Bill or Hillary, take your pick) instead of Bush.

Link (Via Impeach for Peace)