Boing Boing

Military's worst websites: a call for suggestions

Noah Shachtman of Wired's new "Danger Room" blog says,

We've started a contest to find the absolutely lamest, least informative sites on the military web: the ones that make you cringe in their total indifference to public understanding, and good government. Call it… The 404s. You're all invited to join in.

The whole idea behind federal agencies having websites was to better inform the public about what was being done with taxpayer money — and to share information across bureaucratic silos. But, especially in the Defense Department, that hasn't happened. Many military websites barely have any content at all. And what content they have is years out of date. In many cases, these sites actually inhibit the public's insight into the government, instead of enhancing it.

We're going to try to fix that, in the best way we know how: by being snarky little bastards.

Here are a few of the nominees:

* Missing Persons' Site, MIA

* Testers Flunk, Online

* So Much for "International Cooperation"

Already, one disastrous site has been cleaned up. Let's go for more.


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