Boing Boing

Allen Ginsberg's "Put Down Your Cigarette Rag"

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I just finished listening to the 3-CD Allen Ginsberg Audio Collection — I was mostly interested in the classics like Howl and Kaddish, Pull My Daisy and Don't Grow Old, but the poem that totaly took me away was "Put Down Your Cigarette Rag," a poetic song that can make me laugh, dance, and sing along even after about 20 listens. It's also totally stuck in my head and I find myself singing it under my breath as I walk down the street. Here's a video of Ginsberg performing the piece on the site:

Communism's flopped
Let's help the Soviet millions
Sell 'em our Coffin-Nails
& make a couple billions
Big Bucks Big Bucks bucks bucks
bucks bucks smoke smoke smoke smoke
smoke Bucks smoke bucks Dope bucks big
Dope Bucks Dig Big Dope Bucks Big Dope
Bucks dont smoke big dope bucks
Dig big Pig dope bucks

Nine billion bucks a year
a Southern Industry
Buys Senator Jesse Fear who pushes Tobacco subsidy
In the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Dope smokes dope smokes dont smoke dont smoke
Cloak cloak cloak room cloak & dagger
smoke room cloak room dope cloak
cloak room dope cloak room dope dont smoke

Quicktime Link, Words

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