Boing Boing

ZOMG, did UFOs fly over Indian PM's house?

IBN reports that just last week in Delhi, air traffic radar spotted "two unidentified flying objects over Delhi moving northwest to south between 0930 hours and 1000 hours." Woooo. Link to story, with this video of the flying saucery things whizzing over the airport.
(Thanks, Sameer Pitalwalla)

Reader comment: Ed says,

I was poking about on late last night, wading through various documents. When I saw your boingboing post today about UFOs in India, it struck a chord. Here's the URL of the piece on scribd that resonated with your post: Link.

Apparently, the aliens have landed, built a base in a "forbidden zone" (Ladakh valley, in the Himalayas), and are broadcasting to the locals!

According to this document, the aliens appear to be friendly and can make black and white televisions show colour pictures, and are using local "emmisaries" to communicate with people in India, Pakistan and China.

The plot thickens, methinks …

Doug Frost says,

That video from IBN you posted a link to on boingboing today about UFOs flying over an airport in India near the Indian prime minister's house is a perfect example of how big media news fluffers sensationalize and deliberately distort the facts in order to enhance the bottom line.

The video begins with a tantalizing yet completely irrelevant clip of a light flying over Area 51 back in 1990. Then it cuts to present-day India where a correspondent tells us that air control radar picked up two slow moving blips heading toward Delhi. It then shows us a video of a radar screen with two blips on it that were added digitally after the fact. It then highlights one of the fake radar blips by drawing a red circle around it. This isn't the radar screen from that incident and the fake blips are shown traveling at several hundred miles-per-hour–much faster than the air traffic controllers had reported.

The controllers had reported that the objects were traveling 7 kilometers apart from each other. But the video then cuts to a scene where we see two large digitally-inserted craft-like objects, traveling about a hundred yards from each other, flying low over an airport runway, again with a red circle drawn around one of them (as if we'd miss them if this weren't done) for good effect. What a crock of shit! The video is obviously intended to give the impression that it's an eye witness record of the events, when it's nothing of the sort.

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