Schoolgirls bust Glaxo for lying about Ribena vitamin C

Cliff sez, "Here's a great story about how a science fair project carried out by two New Zealand schoolgirls caught the world's second-biggest drug company lying through its teeth. Let's hear it
for Girl Power in the chem lab! The big question here in NZ now is 'where was the government food safety authority?'"

Two fourteen-year-old students busted Glaxo for lying about the Vitamin C content of the Ribena drink.

"We just couldn't believe it. We thought we must have done it wrong," she said.

"We tested it another 10 times, and tested the syrup as well. The other products all came up with more vitamin C than they said, but not Ribena."

They took their results to Ribena, but had little feedback.

They were not too impressed by an invitation from GlaxoSmithKline to visit once the commission case began "to say thank you for bringing it to their attention", and even less impressed by the company's efforts to have the fine set at $60,000.


(Thanks, Cliff!)

(Ribena photo from a Flickr pic from Frannk)