Boing Boing

MAKE: cellular automata video synthesizer kit

MAKE: is now selling a neat kit to make your own cellular automata video synthesizer for any TV set. The easy-to-construct kit is $49.95 and sure to provide you with deep insight into artificial life, complex systems, and emergent behavior. Or you can just twiddle the knobs and trip out to the pretty patterns.

From the kit description:

When complete you will be able to uncover endless visual and sound patterns on any TV with a composite NTSC video input. The kit provides a pre-assembled, pre-programmed Video Critter Mini board, three potentiometers, and a push button. Just solder up the potentiometers and button to the circuit board, add an enclosure, and you're done!


Previously on BB:
• Cellular Automata video synthesizer kit Link

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