Boing Boing

NIN's anti-piracy piss-take

Nine Inch Nails's most recent album, Year Zero, has a great piss-take on the usual RIAA anti-piracy warnings emblazoned on its back cover: "USBM WARNING: Conusming or spreading this material may be deemed subversive by the United States Bureau of Morality. If you or someone you know has engaged in subversive acts or thoughts, call 1-866-445-6580."


(Thanks, Paul!)

Update: Andy sez, "Your 'NIN anti-piracy piss-take' story prompted me to send you this pic of the back of my CD, to see the fine-print my brother, Jeff, a lawyer (!) came up with: 'This CD is protected by plastic shrinkwrap.' We also considered:
Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by archaic unenforceable laws;
Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by inapplicable laws;
This CD is protected by plastic cellophane. Unauthorized duplication is expected;
Unauthorized duplication is a fact of life;
Unauthorized duplication happens."

Update 2:
Karl sez, "I've always liked Ani Difranco's sentiment, which is printed on the packaging for all of her CDs: 'Unauthorized duplication, while sometimes necessary, is never as good as the real thing.'"

Phil sez, "Our independent CD, New Mountain Music features the disclaimer: 'Unauthorized duplication is but one way to turn your friends on to our music.'"

Update: Ben sez, "2 Live Crew's rap tapes used to carry the warning 'Unlawful duplication will get you fuck up by the Ghetto Style DJs.'"

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