Boing Boing

More Todd Goldman art that looks like other artists' work

Over at the Comics Journal blog, Dirk Deppy reports that Slashdotters are uncovering more examples of the remarkable coincidences between Todd Goldman's work and the work of other artists.

And what do you get when you post this story to the most widely read tech-news site on Earth? Why, you get scores of techno-literate nerds looking for further examples of swiping, of course! This leads us to your possibly-stolen Todd Goldman concept of the day (pictured above). Courtesy of this post to Slashdot, a Goldman cartoon that bears more than passing resemblance to Marshall Kirk McKusick's character design for the FreeBSD Daemon, the mascot for an open-source operating system. On the right, one of Goldman's Goodbye Kitty T-shirt designs. (Note the pattern on each devil's shoe, transfered directly from the hyperpixellated Daemon to the Goodbye Kitty thingie.)

"But wait," I hear you say, "The bodies might look really, really similar, but the heads are totally different." This is true. The head of Goldman's T-shirt design looks nothing like the head of that FreeBSD critter. It does, however, look eerily like one of designer/illustrator Chip Wass' "Chippies," again compared above to another of Goldman's T-Shirt designs.

But what about the kitty cat inpaled on the trident? Surely that must have sprang directly from the mind of Mr. Goldman! Well, maybe not.


Previously on Boing Boing:

Todd Goldman loves Threadless T-shirt designs

T-shirt makes fun of Todd Goldman

Reader comment:

Tom says: "The FreeBSD Daemon was designed by John Lasseter. Kirk just holds the copyright."

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