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Gitmo attorneys sue NSA, DoJ for warrantless spying

Over at the Wired News "Threat Level" blog, Luke O'Brien writes,

A civil liberties group representing 16 attorneys of detainees at Guantanamo Bay on Thursday sued the National Security Agency and the Justice Department, claiming that the government illegally spied on the lawyers with warrantless wiretaps and has refused to turn over records of the snooping.

The Center for Constitutional Rights filed the FOIA suit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The group wants all records related to government eavesdropping on the lawyers' conversations with their clients, which would usually be considered legally protected privileged communication.

The suit alleges that the government failed to meet its FOIA obligations to turn over records the lawyers want in timely fashion.

PDF of the complaint, and more information on the case, is here: Link.

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