Boing Boing

WiFi slurper grabs up to six open networks and makes one connection

The Slurpr is a giant, homemade WiFi access-point that uses several WiFi cards to grab all the open networks it can see and combines them into a single Internet feed for your network. Mark Hoekstra, the maker is taking pre-orders for €1000.

Well, the idea is to bundle all the traffic from these six wireless network interfaces (and maybe a wired interface too) into one big connection which, if you keep the wireless interfaces down to five, otherwise you need to hook up to it by wire, could be retransmitted into one powerful new connection! *^_^*

The box at this moment happily boots Debian and the bonding of all the network traffic is done in a load-balancing way, but the other way around. Instead of balancing the load of one connection over multiple servers, we balance multiple connections into one device.


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