Boing Boing

Teacher sues student over teddy bear video

A high-school math teacher in Indiana is suing two high school students who made a movie about a teddy bear that attacks a teacher.

This happened after the school expelled the students, and the students sued the school. The court awarded the students $69,000 and made the school expunge the suspension and expulsion records.

(Here's a trailer for the film, called "The Teddy Bear Master.")

The lawsuit claims the film mocked the teacher's appearance and mannerisms by portraying a math instructor named "Mr. Clevenger." It also contains "graphic depictions of violence" and the eventual murder of Clevenger and his wife, Christine, the lawsuit said.

"The defendants intentionally created the 'Teddy Bear Master' and intentionally used the plaintiff's name in such a way that would provoke a reasonably foreseeable emotional disturbance or trauma," the lawsuit states.

An attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union said the lawsuit is without merit.

"It's not true that they were murdered in the movie," she said. "It was literally stuffed animals being manipulated by the boys, walking around going 'yeoo http://www' and talking in funny voices, very juvenile."

Link (Thanks, Charles!)

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