Boing Boing

Bloomberg On JFK Plot: "Stop Worrying, Get A Life"

Ethan Korngold says: "Finally, a politician with a reasonable view of the true risk of terrorism relative to all of the other risks in the world. Refreshing, indeed."

"On Monday, Bloomberg finally weighed in, but his response was not what some would have expected.

"There are lots of threats to you in the world. There's the threat of a heart attack for genetic reasons. You can't sit there and worry about everything. Get a life," he said.

That "What, me worry?" attitude pretty much sums up Bloomberg's advice to New Yorkers on the terror plot. As far as he was concerned, the professionals were on it, so New Yorkers shouldn't let it tax their brains.

"You have a much greater danger of being hit by lightning than being struck by a terrorist," he added."


Reader comment:

Andrew says:

Just wanted to drop a line and say that your post titled " Bloomberg On JFK Plot: "Stop Worrying, Get A Life"" reminded me of a post dated 08/07/2006 by fellow Boing Boing-er and Caped Internet Crusader Cory Doctorow entitled "Only traitors try to make us afraid of terrorists." He links to a study released by the Cato Institute and Ohio State University (Go Buckeyes!) which says that the fear of terrorism is many, many orders of magnitude greater than the actual risk of being a victim of a terrorist attack, even in countries like Israel. Bloomberg's quote "You have a much greater danger of being hit by lightning than being struck by a terrorist" is almost verbatim from Cory's post.

P.S. — I have many fond memories of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles popsicles with gumball eyes :)

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