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Giant snake terrorizing Pennsylvania

Authorities are hunting down a giant snake that's reportedly eating kittens in Bristol Township, Pennsylvania. From

Neighbors… said they wouldn't rest until the large black snake, which appears to be nocturnal, is no longer free.

"My dogs, I won't even let them out. I make my dad … at night take them out, because I won't even come out here," said Nicole Petro.

"There are small children around here. I mean they're doing a great job. Let's just get it, capture it and get rid of it," said Jeanette Petro…

Officials said they believe people are buying snakes and bringing them to Bristol. Link

Meanwhile, Loren Coleman puts this serpent search in cryptozoological context, surveying other tales of giant snakes. From his post:

(Explorer Colonel Percy) Fawcett ran across his snake in 1907, as he was drifting along the Rio Negro. Fawcett shot the creature and finally examined it on the river bank where it came ashore. According to Fawcett, the snake measured 45 feet out of the water and 17 in it, for a total of 62 feet.

Dating from 1919, up through more recent sightings in 1975, a forty-foot snake was seen on the slopes of Big Top Mountain, Pennsylvania. The 2007 reports out of Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, are of a small serpent by comparison…

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