Boing Boing

Ice cream treat resembles heinous murderer

Richard Berry says:

The Tweety popsicle entry was hilarious and alarming at the same time. Here in Australia I've highlighted a similar serious problem we have encountered on my blog: Sticks & Stones.

The Bubble 'O Bill ice cream bears absolutely no resemblance to what's promised on the packet. But that's the least of our worries. The main problem is, the popsicle is the spitting image of Australia's most nortorious murderer, Ivan Milat.


Previously on Boing Boing:

Ice cream patent wars in the 1930s

Expertly produced Korean red bean ice cream fish

Tweety Bird popsicle doesn't look like Tweety Bird

Bugs Bunny popsicle

Turtle popsicle reflects pride in workmanship

Popsicle parody ad

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