Boing Boing

Reviews of print editions of bOING bOING

Rev. Keith A. Gordon has been reviewing old issues of bOING bOING, the print zine that Carla and I started in 1988.

With issue #6 bOING bOING continues to grow both in size and stature, this issue including an interview with Robert Anton Wilson (by Antero Alli), Rudy Rucker on James Gleick's Chaos: The Software, an interview with comic artist Daniel Clowes and some high-falutin' high-tech articles about subjects that are still miles above my head (and, believe it or not, I have an above-average IQ…allegedly). Still, it was always good to see bOING bOING on the newstand, if only because their coverage of new media (books, zines, software) was second to none and always satisfied this young man's craving for fresh sources of information.


• Issue #6

• 1991, no month given

• B&W, 48-pages (including covers, spot color)

• Style: cyber zine


Robert Anton Wilson (prophet)

Daniel Clowes (cartoonist)

Brigitte Mars (herbalist)

"Passport To Invisible Utopia"

"Confessions In A Drug-Free Zone"

"Accessing Alternity With Consciousness Technology"

–> also reader mail, book & zine reviews

Volume: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Note: PDFs of Volumes 1 and 2 of bOING bOING are available for $2 each.

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