Boing Boing

First Amendment mob of photogs hit Silver Spring on July 4

The town of Silver Spring, Maryland, gave $100,000,000 to a private developer to rehabilitate its downtown. Now the developer says that the whole downtown is a private mall, and has banned photography there.

Jordan sez, "The DC Rights Flickr group made good on its promise to stand up for photographers' rights in Silver Spring, MD. On 4th of July, over 100 photogs descended on the street, whose part-owners, the Peterson Company, have declared it a no-snapping zone without legal backing. The Peterson Company had recently backpedaled in a bid to diffuse the situation and protect their image (the very thing the company was trying to do by banning photography in the first place), but the citizenry was not appeased… The event was publicized and organized online, thanks to the efforts of bloggers, Flickr users, and citizen activists, and Bill Adler was there to document the scene for NowPublic."


(Thanks, Jordan!)

See also: Photography banned in Silver Spring, Maryland

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